2.9 min read
October 31, 2023


Australia is a popular destination for international students. While many students return to their home countries after completion of their studies, some decide to stay and apply for permanent residency in Australia. This post will provide an overview of the different visa options available to international students for achieving permanent residency in Australia.


Post Study Work Visa (Subclass 485)

The Post Study Work Visa is a two-year visa that allows international students to work in Australia after completion of their studies. This visa is available to students who have completed two years of full-time study in Australia and hold a certain qualification, such as a Bachelor degree or higher, or in some cases a Trade qualification. The Post Study Work Visa can be used to meet the requirements for a permanent visa, such as gaining work experience or improving English language scores.


General Skilled Migration

General Skilled Migration is a program of permanent visas based on an applicant’s skills and work experience, which does not require employer sponsorship. To be eligible for this visa, the applicant must meet certain requirements, including skill and English language requirements, as well as passing a points test based on factors such as age, employment, and study history.


Employer Sponsored Visas

Employer Sponsored Visas are another option for international students looking to achieve permanent residency in Australia. This pathway often involves obtaining a temporary visa (Subclass 482) initially, and then working towards a permanent visa after working in Australia for at least three years for the sponsoring employer. In some cases, direct application for permanent residency (186 visa) is possible, but often the employer prefers the transitional pathway through the TSS 482 visa.


Final Word

The Australian visa options and pathways each have their own advantages and disadvantages. It’s important to carefully consider your desired course, make sure you meet the GTE requirements, choose the right university or college, and/or decide on the city/region where you want to study. These decisions can impact your chances of obtaining a student visa and potentially a permanent visa later on.

Getting professional, experienced advice from a registered migration agency is highly recommended to ensure you have the best chance at securing a permanent visa, as visa regulations can change frequently.

After studying a trade, vocational, or university course, your chances of obtaining a Graduate 485, 457, 186 ENS, 187 RSMS, State Sponsored 190, or Skilled Independent 189 visa may increase, depending on your course choice and timing of your application.

Each visa option has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the best option for an individual will depend on their specific circumstances. It is important to consider factors such as age, English language ability, qualifications, employment experience, and partner’s skills when choosing a course of study. It is highly recommended to seek the services of a registered migration advisor to ensure the best chance of securing a permanent visa in Australia.


Points Test for General Skilled Migration Program Visas

Category Points Allocated
Age 0 to 30 points
Academic Qualifications 0 to 20 points
Work Experience 0 to 20 points
Proficiency in English 0 to 20 points
Study in Australia 5 points
Study in Low Population Areas of Australia 5 or 10 extra points
Obtain accreditation in Australia as a translator of another language 5 points
Skilled Spouse 5 to 10 points
Single Applicants 10 points
Professional Year 5 points
Nomination/Sponsorship from an Australian State 5 or 15 points

Note: The minimum points required to be eligible to submit an Expression of Interest for one of the three Skilled Migration Visas (189, 190, and 491) is 65.

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