4.4 min read
October 9, 2023


Australia is a popular destination for international students due to its excellent education system, beautiful scenery, and opportunities for work and travel. One of the best ways to take advantage of these opportunities is by obtaining a student visa, which offers a range of benefits.

1. Study and work in Australia

  • The student visa allows you to work while you study, providing an opportunity to gain valuable work experience and earn money to support yourself.
  • No work hour restrictions for student visa holders from January 2022 until 30 June 2023.
  • From 01 July 2023, the working hour cap will be reintroduced at an increased rate of 48 hours per fortnight (2 weeks) during your studies and full-time during your school breaks.

2. Extend your stay in Australia

  • A student visa provides an opportunity to extend your stay in Australia after a working holiday visa or work and holiday visa.
  • You have the option of applying for a short-term or long-term visa.
  • Students can study for six months or even up to three years or more on their Australian Student Visa.

3. Obtain an official diploma, bachelor’s degree, or master’s degree

  • An Australian qualification is globally recognized as one of the highest standards of education worldwide.
  • An Australian qualification could be a key element in applying for a Work Visa or getting sponsored by an Australian employer or business.

4. Post-study work visa

  • The Post-Study Work Visa allows international graduates to work in Australia for up to 2 years after completing their studies.
  • Students who complete a higher education degree of at least 2 years duration are eligible for the Post-Study Work Visa.
  • From 01 July 2023, the post-study work rights will be extended for up to 6 years for international graduates with eligible qualifications in industries with skill shortages.
  • Depending on their degree, bachelor’s degree graduates can stay for four years, master’s degree graduates for five years, and Ph.D. graduates for six years.
  • The Post-Study Work Visa provides an opportunity to gain work experience in Australia and improve the chances of obtaining permanent residency.

5. Family and partner inclusion

  • Your family members and/or partner can be included in your student visa application.
  • This means that your family may be able to join you in Australia while you are studying.
  • If you are studying at a Master’s level, your partner may even be granted full work rights during the duration of your visa.

6. Visa Duration

  • The duration of your student visa depends on the length of the program you choose.
  • For a program that is between 12 and 52 weeks long, you may be eligible for a student visa.
  • If you enroll in a six-month course, your student visa will be valid for six months, and if you enroll in a three-year program, your student visa will be valid for three years.
  • After completing your initial course, you may be eligible to apply for a subsequent visa to continue your studies in Australia.
  • Continuing your education through a subsequent visa can provide opportunities to enhance your career prospects in Australia.

7. Affordable

  • The cost of a student visa in Australia is lower than in many other countries.
  • As of March 2023, the base application fee for a student visa is AUD 620 (about USD 444).
  • There are some additional costs, such as health exams or biometrics fees, but they are generally not too expensive.
  • With a student visa, you can also work part-time to support yourself, which can help offset living expenses.
  • Australia also has a lower cost of living compared to many other study destinations, which can make it a more affordable option overall.

8. No age limit

  • The lack of an age limit on student visas in Australia means that individuals can pursue their education at any point in their lives, without any restrictions based on age.
  • This policy ensures that education is accessible to everyone, regardless of their age or life circumstances.

9. Access to Healthcare and Social Security

  • As a student visa holder, you are entitled to access Australia’s healthcare system, Medicare, and social security benefits.
  • Access medical treatment if you become ill or injured while in Australia.
  • Apply for a Medicare card to access medical and hospital services, as well as subsidized medicines.
  • Covered by Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) while studying in Australia to help pay for medical and hospital treatment.
  • Eligible for financial assistance such as Youth Allowance or Austudy if studying full-time and meeting certain criteria.
  • Dependents accompanying you may also be eligible for Medicare and/or social security benefits.

See more: How To Get PR In Australia: A Complete Guide


Obtaining a student visa in Australia can be a smart choice for international students.  It allows them to maximize their stay in this beautiful country. International students with a student visa in Australia have the opportunity to experience the country’s diverse culture. They can explore the natural beauty of the country and pursue their academic and career goals while they’re there.

A student visa can provide valuable experience and opportunities for personal and professional growth. It also enables students to study, work, and travel while pursuing their educational goals.

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