3.5 min read
November 19, 2023


tl;dr: Labour Market Update – May 2023

馃搱 Strong Labour Market: March 2023 shows growth despite slight unemployment rise.馃帗 Skill Level Shift: Employment moving towards higher educational qualifications, significant increase.馃彞 Regional Skills Shortages: Areas lack General Practitioners, Medical Officers: lower vacancy fill.馃審 Employment Across Territories: Most regions grow, Victoria and Queensland lead: low unemployment.馃挵 Wages Growth: Wage index rises 3.3% annually, highest since 2012.馃懃 Skill Level and Industry Growth: Increase in employment across four skill groups, 11 industries.馃弳 Record Employment in Key Industries: Healthcare, Construction, Education reach peak employment levels.馃搳 Stable Job Ads and Recruitment: Job advertisements steady, 55% employers actively recruiting.馃摑 Increased Vacancy Fill and Applicants: More vacancies filled: rising applicant numbers per job.馃敡 Recruitment Challenges in Trades: Low fill rates for Technicians, Trades Workers, skill gap.馃殌 Growth in Higher-Skilled Ads: 6.6% rise in higher education job ads, strong demand.


In the backdrop of Australia’s journey to net-zero emissions by 2050, a transformation akin to the post-war industrial and late twentieth-century digital revolutions is underway. This shift isn’t just reshaping existing energy sectors. It’s birthing new clean energy paths. Over the next three decades, this will unfold into unprecedented job roles, skill requirements, and educational paths, creating a fertile ground for StudyStake students aiming for a green career in Australia.

The Current Labour Market Dynamics:

The Australian labour market, as of May 2023, is a canvas of both opportunity and challenge. We’re witnessing a robust demand in the labour market with full-time employment on the rise. Interestingly, there’s a noticeable tilt towards higher skill levels, with about 92% of job growth in sectors requiring post-secondary qualifications. This trend is a clarion call for students: the future belongs to the skilled and the educated.

Skills Shortages and Regional Opportunities:

Particularly for international students, the regional skill shortages in Australia offer a unique opportunity. Fields like General Practice and Medical Officers are thirsty for talent, more so in regional areas than in capital cities.

For those eyeing sectors like healthcare, this is your moment.

Wages and Industry Growth:

Encouragingly, wages are growing (3.3% annually, the highest since December 2012), signaling a healthy economy. This growth spans across various industries, notably in Health Care, Construction, and Education.

For students, this means aligning your studies with these booming sectors could be a smart move.

Bridging Regional Skills Gaps:

The focus on regional Australia is crucial. As we move towards the net-zero goal, the skills gaps in these areas open doors for emerging clean energy industries.

For international students, this is a chance to be part of a transformative journey, contributing to sustainable development.

Innovations in Tertiary Skills and Training:

The evolving job market underscores the need for specialized skills and training. The demand for higher-skilled roles has surged, with a 6.6% growth in job advertisements for top-tier skills. This necessitates a dynamic and responsive educational framework, ranging from TAFE to microcredentials.

Enhancing Sector Participation:

The labour market challenges, especially in fields like Technicians and Trades Workers, point to a gap in experience and specific skills. This presents an opportunity for educational institutions to tailor their programs to bridge these gaps, ensuring inclusivity and diversity in these sectors.

Supporting Transitioning Communities:

With a sharp competition for skilled migrants, Australia is an attractive destination for those with the right skills. The need is to support these communities better, ensuring they can effectively contribute to the clean energy transition.

Education and Training Requisites:

The report highlights the crucial role of education and training, calling for significant investment and reform.

For students, this means pursuing broad-based qualifications like Electrical Engineering, with an eye on specializations in clean energy sectors.

Projected Workforce Demand and Shortfalls:

Looking ahead, the demand for skilled workers, particularly in regional Australia, is set to soar. Close to two million workers will be needed in trades by 2050, underscoring the importance of education and training to equip local workers for these roles.


The journey towards net-zero emissions is both an exciting and challenging one. The labour market dynamics and policy recommendations provide a blueprint for shaping workforce pipelines, averting skill shortages, and ensuring equitable job opportunities. For StudyStake students, this analysis offers a roadmap to align your educational pursuits with the vibrant and evolving green energy sector in Australia.

Source https://www.jobsandskills.gov.au/

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