5.3 min read
October 9, 2023


Australia is a popular destination for international students seeking to further their education and training. To study in Australia as an international student, you will need to apply for and be granted a student visa subclass 500. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the key steps in the application process, including the requirements you need to meet and the documents you need to provide.

Navigating the Australian Student Visa-500 Application Process

Step 1: Choose a Course and Enroll with an Australian Education Provider

To apply for a student visa subclass 500, you first need to enroll in a full-time course with an Australian education provider. You must obtain written confirmation of your enrolment (CoE) from that provider. Note that predominantly online courses are not eligible for a student visa subclass 500.

Step 2: Determine the Requirements for Your Application

The exact requirements for your student visa subclass 500 application will depend upon the level of risk assigned to your application, which is a combined immigration risk assessment determined by the risk rating of the education provider and your passport nationality. The minimum requirements for this visa include:

  • Enrolling with an Australian education provider as a full-time student and obtaining written confirmation of this enrolment
  • Genuinely intending to complete the relevant period of study in Australia
  • Having the required level of English language proficiency unless exempt
  • Having Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the period of your intended stay in Australia
  • Having access to sufficient funds to cover your return airfares, tuition fees, and the cost of living in Australia, as well as costs required for any dependents included in your application.

Step 3: Provide Evidence of Your Financial Capacity

To be granted a student visa subclass 500, you need to demonstrate that you have enough money that is genuinely available to you to pay for your course fees and travel and living costs for you and your accompanying family members while you are in Australia. You can use the student visa funds calculator provided by the Australian government to determine how much you need to show for your student visa. You may also need to provide evidence of your financial capacity by providing one of the following:

  • Evidence of funds to cover travel to Australia and 12 months of living, course, and (for school-aged dependents) schooling costs for the student and accompanying family members
  • Evidence that you meet the annual income requirement
  • An Acceptance Advice of Secondary Exchange Students (AASES) form (secondary exchange students only)
  • A letter of support from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade or the Department of Defence.

Step 4: Prove that You Are a Genuine Temporary Entrant

As part of your student visa application, the Australian Department of Home Affairs will assess whether you are genuinely going to stay in Australia temporarily, also known as the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement. To prove that you meet the GTE requirement, you need to provide evidence such as a statement of purpose, evidence of your/your family’s economic circumstances in your home country, ties to your home country, evidence of past study, work experience, and a letter from your employer or statement from you attesting to a need for (improved) skills for the purposes of your employment or career prospects.

Step 5: Apply for Your Student Visa Subclass 500

Once you have met all the requirements and gathered all the necessary documents, you can then proceed to apply for your student visa subclass 500. We recommend that you apply for your student visa as soon as possible after receiving your CoE. You can lodge your visa application online or by mail, and you will need to pay the visa application fee.

Step 6: Await the Outcome of Your Visa Application

Once you have submitted your visa application, you will need to wait for a decision from the Department of Home Affairs. The processing time for student visa applications can vary depending on a range of factors such as the applicant’s nationality, the level of risk associated with their application, and the volume of applications being processed at the time.

You can check the progress of your application through the ImmiAccount portal, and you will also be notified by email once a decision has been made. If your application is successful, you will receive your visa grant letter, which will outline the conditions of your visa and the date from which it will be valid.

If your application is not successful, you will be provided with reasons for the decision and given the opportunity to appeal the decision or apply for a review of the decision.

Step 7: Prepare for Your Arrival in Australia

Once your visa has been granted, it’s time to start preparing for your arrival in Australia. This will involve booking your flights, finding suitable accommodation, and making arrangements for any other aspects of your move.

You must arrive in Australia before the start date of your course on your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). Make sure you have enough money to cover your living expenses in Australia. Also, you need to have enough money to pay for your course fees and other associated costs of studying.

Step 8: Understand Your Visa Conditions

As a student visa holder, you will be subject to a range of conditions.  You must comply with in order to maintain your visa status. These conditions include:

  • Enrolment in a full-time course of study with an approved education provider
  • Maintaining satisfactory academic progress
  • Working no more than 40 hours per fortnight while your course is in session
  • Not working until your course has commenced (for your initial visa)
  • Maintaining adequate health insurance coverage for the duration of your stay in Australia
  • Not engaging in any activities that could be considered harmful to the Australian community or could lead to a breach of national security

It’s important to familiarise yourself with all of the conditions attached to your visa.  You also need to ensure that you comply with them at all times.

Key Takeaways

Applying for a student visa subclass 500 can seem like a daunting process. However, with the right preparation and support, it can be a straightforward and rewarding experience. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that you are well-prepared for the application process. As a result,  you’ll have the best chance of success in obtaining your visa and pursuing your studies in Australia.

Credit Source: Explore visa options for studying in Australia

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