5 min read
February 3, 2024


All students, regardless of their background, should have access to the quality education and opportunities they need to succeed.

Unfortunately, there are no loans available in Vietnam that allow financially disadvantaged students to pursue higher education.

That’s where StudyStake comes in.

We connect students, investors, and education providers to open avenues of access to higher education through studying abroad.

It goes beyond the individual 

Investing in Higher Education: A Sustainable Investment for the Future.

The benefits of investing in higher education go beyond just economic mobility for a single individual.

It’s also about preparing the workforce to adapt to new technology. This is essential for developing local businesses and the economy.

Without educational opportunities, the adoption of new technology in Vietnam may be difficult – slowing the growth and success of the entire country.

Higher education is also vital for giving driven and talented students in Vietnam who lack financing resources the skills and knowledge they need to thrive beyond their home country, in a global economy.

English language knowledge is a critical factor for the understanding of high-tech terminology.

By providing opportunities for students to study abroad, we help them gain a deeper understanding of the language as well.

Quality education also increases the likelihood of individuals becoming financially literate, empowering them to:

  • Build wealth

  • Break the cycle of poverty

  • Cultivate broader economic opportunity in their community

The result is individual economic advancement as well as a more equitable and prosperous society in Vietnam.

Making an impact: One student at a time

By investing in higher education, we not only empower individuals but also foster technological advancement, economic growth, and global competitiveness for the entire country.

Imagine a bright, ambitious student in Vietnam who dreams of getting a higher education but has never had the opportunity because of financial constraints.

She works hard in high school but knows that her prospects are limited without a degree.

One day, she hears about a program funding “driven and talented students with limited financial resources” in Vietnam to study abroad. She jumps at the chance and applies herself tirelessly to earn a spot in the program.

After a year of hard work and dedication, she is accepted. She sets off for Australia to begin her studies. She throws herself into her coursework, determined to make the most of this incredible opportunity.

As she studies and works in a new place, she begins to see the world from new perspectives. She learns different technology and language skills. And she starts to see the potential for a brighter future — for herself and her community – through new avenues for international work.

Thanks to the skills and knowledge she gained during her studies, she can secure a well-paying job when she graduates and returns home.

This job leads to stable housing and stable purchasing power. As she begins to impact the economy positively, she realizes the true power of education to change lives and create a more prosperous and equitable future – in a material way.

This is just one example of the powerful and transformative impact of higher education on disadvantaged students in Vietnam.

By providing access to education, we can help these students reach their full potential and create a better future for themselves, their families, and their communities.

Don’t let finances stand in the way of your dreams

Unlocking opportunities for financially disadvantaged students in Vietnam to pursue higher education.

StudyStake provides affordable student loans with or without collateral, depending on the course and your previous education and profile.

As a SaaS platform, we offer a quick, transparent, and easy-to-access solution for financial capacity to pay tuition fees.

We are a reliable partner for Southeast Asian students seeking to study abroad in Australia, New Zealand, America, and Canada.

Apply to Study Stake, and let’s make your dream a reality.

How investors benefit from promoting access to higher education in Vietnam

So, are you looking to make a positive impact on the world?

When you invest in higher education for “driven and talented students with limited financial resources” in Vietnam, you’re not just investing in one person’s future. You are investing in the future of an entire family – and even the generation to come.

Access to high-quality education:

  • drives economic growth

  • reduces income inequality

  • promotes social mobility

  • and fosters cultural and social diversity

The economic benefits don’t stop there

The economic ripple effect of remittances in Vietnam is profound, especially with Ho Chi Minh City receiving $9.46 billion in 2023, a 43.3% surge that also eclipsed Foreign Direct Investment and contributed 14% to its GRDP. Over three decades, the country has drawn $190 billion in remittances, placing it in the top 10 globally in 2022.

Moreover, an Austrade report shows that 94% of students studying in Australia are employed or self-employed. With the average income tax rate in Vietnam being 30%, it’s estimated that students returning home after studying abroad can earn an average of $24,000 annually.

So, the potential impact of enabling one million students to study abroad is significant, as their rejuvenated work status could generate a minimum of $7 billion in tax revenue in the next ten years.

The mutual benefits for both the students and the country are outstanding.

Join us in lifting the tide for these students and their families, and watch as your investment pays off for everyone.

Bringing together students, investors, and education providers

At Study Stake, we believe in the transformative power of education and the importance of investing in higher education for “driven and talented students with limited financial resources”.

Join us on our mission to provide financial literacy and education for all.

Take the first step towards building wealth, breaking the cycle of poverty, and creating a brighter future for all.

Invest in or apply to Study Stake today.

Ready to redefine your future?
Start your personalized education journey with StudyStake today.