3.2 min read
October 9, 2023


In the field of education and vocational training in Australia, TAFE colleges and training organizations play a crucial role in providing a wide range of vocational education options for both domestic and international students. In this article, we will explore TAFE colleges and other training institutions, providing essential information about their programs, training areas, and admission requirements. Let’s delve into and discover more about vocational learning opportunities in Australia!

Australia offers a wide range of study options for both local and international students, including vocational education and training (VET) through Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutions and private colleges. VET provides individuals with career-focused skills that are highly valued by employers, particularly in trade industries. Some universities also offer VET courses.

Levels for VET Qualifications

The AQF is a national policy that sets standards for all courses, programs, and degrees in Australia. It emphasizes flexible learning and provides pathways between the education sectors and the workforce. The AQF has 10 levels, each with its own qualification types such as Bachelor’s Degrees or Master’s Degrees. VET qualifications start at certificate level 1 and go up to level 4. These levels are:


– Offers basic and functional knowledge and skills that help you participate in work and also sets a foundation for further studies.

– Course Duration: 4-6 months to 1 year


– More advanced than the first level, provides skills that assist you to do routine work and also opens a gateway to further learning. Can be applied to specific situations in the workplace.

– Course Duration: 6 – 12 months


Provides a range of theoretical, procedural, and technical knowledge, as well as industrial skills. Able to tackle more complex responsibilities and professional work.

– Course Duration: 6 -12 months


Provides a range of professional and specialized skills that enable you to perform special tasks related to the skills and knowledge obtained. The final step in VET training is before starting a diploma.

– Course Duration: 12 -18 months


To be accepted into a VET course, students must meet certain requirements. International students must have a valid passport and a school certificate, as well as proof of English proficiency (usually a minimum IELTS score of 5.0 or equivalent).

Fee Free TAFE Courses: Here's What Students Need to Know

Lectures and Assessments

VET courses are more flexible than other types of higher education, and students can often study and work at the same time. Classes may take place during the day, evening, or on weekends. Grades are earned from submitted assignments, which can include theoretical, project, or practical reports.

Price Estimation for VET Institutions

The fees for VET courses vary from state to state and depending on the field and type of school. TAFE institutions, which are government-funded, may be more expensive than private institutions but are generally of high quality. Fees per year may range from AU$ 4,000 to AU$ 20,000.

Courses Offered

VET courses are offered in a variety of fields, including:

  • Health (e.g. Nutrition, Medicine, Dental Health, Mental Health, Fitness, Yoga, Massage, Hairdressing, Beauty, Childcare)
  • IT (e.g. Information Technology, Cyber Security, Software Development, Artificial Intelligence, Coding, Game Technology)
  • Business (e.g. Accounting, Marketing, Management, Sales, Entrepreneurship)
  • Trades (e.g. Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanics, Welding)
  • Hospitality and Tourism (e.g. Cooking, Hospitality Management, Tourism)
  • Creative Arts (e.g. Music, Film, Photography, Graphic Design)

**Please note that the information provided is based on the latest available data up to the current date. For the most up-to-date and accurate information, always check with the specific institution or governing body.

If you are interested in TAFE colleges in Australia and are looking for suitable options, make use of StudyStake’s Matching Tool today! It will help you discover vocational courses that align with your interests, goals, and personal potential. Visit StudyStake and explore the Matching Tool today!

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